Better Housing Now: Session 2 - Work in Progress
Host: Government Architect NSW (GANSW)
Hosted by GANSW, this session will discuss the role of design in producing local and international examples of housing including projects and strategies that address affordability as a whole-of-life consideration. Presentations will give a practical insight into current policy directions and projects from key organisations that are responding to the challenges of addressing housing affordability, quality and diversity, and their contribution to creating better places
Since the Government Architect NSW (GANSW) launched Better Placed – an integrated design policy for the built environment of NSW in 2017, planning priorities have shifted to a new focus on place, common grounds on which to plan for the future of our cities and regions. This design-led collaborative approach provides new opportunities to think beyond where new housing should go, to what places we want to live in and how.
14:30 Paulo Macchia GANSW
14:45 Deborah Brill Executive Director, Policy and Innovation, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
14:55 Hugh Phemister Executive Director, NSW Land and Housing Corporation, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Designing for People
15:05 Alicia Pozniak Senior Design and Research Advisor, GANSW Designing for housing diversity
15:20 Kim Gray and Andrew Brooks Development Manager & General Manager, Development and Property Services, SGCH, Delivering design excellence in affordable housing
15:35 Roberta Ryan Institute for Public Policy and Governance, University of Technology Sydney, The politics of suburban intensification
15:50 Panel discussion
16:30 Finish
Better Housing Now: a free two-day public symposium on housing affordability in NSW.
Presented by Shelter NSW, Committee for Sydney, Government Architect NSW and the Sydney Architecture Festival.
Better Housing Now is the keystone event of the festival. It will offer the public an indepth look at the complex and interconnected issues that have created the currently unaffordable city. In four sessions ‘Housing and the City, ‘Work in Progress’, ‘Squaring the Circle’, and ‘A Call to Action’ the city’s leading organisations, advocacy groups and designers will explore projects, identify problems, and propose solutions. The event is free for the public. Each session requires registration.
Other events held during this two day symposium:
Better Housing Now: Session 1 - Housing and the City
Better Housing Now: Session 3 - Circling the Square
Better Housing Now: Session 4 - A Call to Action